Ready For Management?
Have you taken your career as far as you can by yourself?
Have you maximized your contacts and resources?
Are you committed to being a full-time, long-term artist?
Have you developed your own unique stage presence?
Do you have the equipment/tools to record and perform?
Are you ready to take on the responsibility of developing your skills to increase revenue and marketability?
Do you have a growing fan-base online and offline?
Do you have enough content to market to your target audience?
Can you clearly communicate your career goals?
Are you at the point where you can no longer handle the day to day operations of your artistic career?
Do you have another source of income outside of performing? And is it sufficient for your day-to-day living?
Are you happy to be alive?
Do you lack connections to certain gatekeepers in the music industry?
If you answered “Yes” to the vast majority of these then we may be interested in working with you.
If not, you may need to put more time and energy into developing yourself as an artist before seeking out professional management. If this is you then you could probably use a reasonably priced career consultation, which we just so happen to offer.